Saturday, November 17, 2012


It has been a while since we’ve checked in- busyness!!  Lots going on around here- but that is the life of a Serve Asia Worker!  It is difficult to summarize what has been happening… a couple of things come to mind. 

Language study- has been challenging, fun, and REWARDING.  Mandarin is such a beautiful and intricate language, and we feel so privileged to be able to learn it.  We are picking up and understanding more and more words in conversations, and sometimes even phrases or sentences!  I (Gretchen) had a really cool moment while doing crafts at the Pearl Family Garden last week.  I was just sitting and listening to another missionary talk with a Taiwanese woman, and I was actually catching the drift of what they were saying! It was just such a neat feeling to realize that this language, which at first seemed impossibly difficult, is actually soaking in!  These past couple weeks we have even been learning several written Chinese characters.  So exciting! We can have simple conversations with each other and others (emphasis on SIMPLE).  Step by step we are getting there!  A missionary friend of ours told us she thinks we have a gift for learning this complicated language- which is SO encouraging to hear.  

On the topic of friends, God is so good to us.  When we first arrived in Taiwan, naturally it was quite lonely.  However, we have made some very kind and godly friends and role models.  We are so grateful because these people don’t HAVE to befriend us. We’re only here for three short months, and they don’t know if we’ll ever be back.  However, they get to know us, encourage us, include us, advise us, help us along, and even invite us over for dinner.  These friends really know what community is and strive to live it out.  We are so grateful for this blessing!

Just a side note- we are so grateful to have raised about 75% of our financial support for this time in Taiwan, as well as abundant prayer support!!  If you feel God leading you to partner with us, either prayerfully or financially, please contact us -  Emails from home saying hello are really great too!  We would love to hear from you and any prayer requests you may have!

We are so blessed to be here - Thank you, senders!!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone-  praise God from whom all blessings flow!

We will be celebrating here with grateful hearts… and beef noodle soup. 

再見  Zai Jian!  

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