Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rosetta Again!

Wo Men Shi Yu Mei! (We are from America!)

We have once again resumed our Mandarin Chinese lessons on Rosetta Stone, and plan to do so every day until departure. Really great software!

Time has been flying by as we working on our last few weeks of preparations.

We have just passed the 50% mark for our support raising; God has been so faithful in providing for us! A big thank you to those who have been supporting us along the way - thank you for responding to God's calling. If you have not partnered with us through prayer or donation already, we ask that you would consider doing so.

If you or your small group is interested in hearing more details concerning our trip, we would love the chance to meet with you.

Signing off,

Monday, August 27, 2012

First post...

Hello everyone!

We are getting our blog set up, and hope to provide regular updates in the coming weeks before and during our stay in Taipei.

Stay tuned for more!